Salt, in addition to the taste it gives to food, is inextricably linked to the culture, traditions and religion of the peoples. Expressions that we use in our daily lives such as “water and salt”, “we ate bread and salt” or “threw salt in the wounds” are just some of the examples that show the participation of salt in various aspects of life. The precious value of salt was realized many centuries ago when it was the reward of the Roman army. In fact, the etymology of the English word “salary”, which means salary, is the Latin word “salarium”, which translates as “payment with salt” or “money to buy salt”. Over the years it has been used as a means of preserving food when there were no modern means such as refrigeration and freezing and today we have sufficient scientific data to confirm that the presence of sodium is necessary for many basic processes in the body.
However, increased salt consumption has been associated in recent decades with the onset of pathological conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stomach cancer, osteoporosis and kidney disease. In the context of public health prevention, the latest guidelines from the World Health Organization recommend the intake of 5g of salt per day, an amount that corresponds to just 1 teaspoon. Nevertheless, every day we consume more, even twice as much as recommended, which comes from:
75% of processed foods and meals away from home
10% of foods that naturally contain sodium
10-15% from the addition of table salt
For this reason, EFET has in recent years carried out actions to raise consumer awareness about salt restriction (lectures, commercials). He has also collaborated with the Greek Chefs ‘Club to create a guide to replace salt with spices in Greek cuisine, as well as with the Hellenic Bakers’ Federation in order to reduce the salt content in bread to 1.2%.
Considering the frequency with which modern people eat out of the house (restaurant, fast food, hotel) it is understood that achieving the recommended daily salt intake is practically difficult. For this reason, at PROVYL we have designed the Healthy Line series, which consists of products that are low in salt, while at the same time they are enhanced with herbs, spices and natural ingredients that give them a strong aroma and rich taste that lasts. In addition, these products do not contain preservatives, dyes or artificial flavor enhancers such as sodium glutamate. Therefore, using the Healthy Line series you can create delicious dishes with nutritional benefits for your customers.
Provil S.A.
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Provil S.A.
АФИНЫ (Филиал)
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Tел.: + 30 210 66 57 680
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Provil S.A.
САЛОНИКИ (главный офис)
Промышленный район г. Салоники
ул. А3, 57022 Синдос
Салоники – Греция
Тел.: +302310795730
[email protected]
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Provil S.A.
АФИНЫ (Филиал)
Проспект Лавриу 109
153 54 Глика нера
Афины – Греция
Tел.: + 30 210 66 57 680
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